Networking School Classes
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Social Network Analysis
informelle Lernaktivitäten
Mixed Methods

How to Cite

Grabensteiner, Caroline. 2021. “Networking School Classes: Approaching Constructions of Individual and Collective Learning Activities at the Example of WhatsApp-Chatgroups”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 16 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):79-107.


Copyright (c) 2021 Caroline Grabensteiner

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


How do students organise their learning activities in a world shaped by deep mediatisation? How do they appropriate media into their daily learning practice? How do communication platforms facilitate networking in out-of-school-contexts through manifold possibilities for communication during domestic learning activities? These questions target media activities in school classes as practices of constructing and constructed contexts. Looking at school classes as communicative figurations helps to understand the specific constellation of actors, accessing a certain repertoire of media. This appropriation structures as well as enables individual and collective frames and settings for communication. This article aims to give insight into out-of-school working-contexts of pupils. For this purpose, selected findings of a mixed methods study will be discussed, combining social network analysis (SNA) and interpretative data analysis to give a relational view on the (re)construction of collective and individual working contexts.


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