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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is yet unpublished and has not yet been submitted elsewhere.
  • The file is being submitted as Microsoft Word, RTF or OpenOffice / LibreOffice.
  • As far as possible all references carry URLs or DOIs (DOIs as URLs like . They are formatted in Chicago Manual of Style 17th ed. (author-date) preferably in en-CH. Please refer to the master style sheet or Authors are encouraged to use reference manager such as Zotero.
  • The text is formatted in single lines, font-size 10pt, emphasizes in Italics, no underlines. - Keep it simple. All illustrations, diagramms and tables are at the intended positions and not at the end of the text. All figueres carry references and copyright notices. At the time of production authors will be asked to provide illustrations and diagramms as vector graphics (no raster formats), or preferably in their most original file formats or exported as PDF.
  • The text follows the stylistic and bibliographic guidelines at Author Guidelines in the "About" section.
  • In case the submission contributes to a section with a peer-review policy all names of the authors are removed from the documents. (Not necessary for the references)
  • The manuscript provides title and abstract each in English and German.
  • Upon submitting the contribution the author(s) agree to the terms of this Copyright Notice.

Author Guidelines

Character Count

Contributions submitted to the sections "Special Issues" and "Occasional Papers" must be original and should not be under consideration elsewhere. The total character count must be under 40.000 chars (including spaces, without abstract, and without references). All copyrights remain with the author(s) (CC-BY-NC-ND). Please be aware that you accept the Author Agreement upon submitting a contribution the our journal.

Title and Abstract in German and English

A narrative abstract of 150–200 words briefly describes the main issues, significant results and conclusions. The title and abstract need to be submitted in German and English.

Graphic Formats

All images and graphics should be submitted as supplementary files and their placement in the manuscrupt must be noted, preferrably as vector graphics in .SVG, .EPS, .PDF etc., or in case of photographies, or if not otherwise available e.g. as .JPG or .TIF in sufficient resolution. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material.

Designing the Manuscript

Paragraphs (Standard/Normal) possibly without formatting and in one font-size (e.g. Arial 10, all, incl. headlines). No indents, no empty lines between sections.

Headlines can be numbered to the 3rd level.

For your and our convenience, please use the article template. Please use the specific template for book reviews.

Citations / Refences

All citations and references must follow the style Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. - Author-Date, variant en_CH. More info on citation styles (CSL) at
Important: References that carry a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) must be referred to by their DOI. In short: All references that have a DOI must name the DOI. Sources and references to digital fulltext must carry a URL. Manuscripts that do not comply to this rule may be rejected back to the authors and might not be processed.

Making & more

see Call for Papers at:

Zeitgemässe Methoden der Kinder- und Jugendmedienforschung

See call at:

Dekonstruktion digitaler Desinformationsstrategien

See specific call at:

Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 21: Mit Medienpädagogik in die Zukunft

Edited by Claudia de Witt, Sandra Hofhues, Mandy Schiefner-Rohs, Valentin Dander, Nina Grünberger and Klaus Rummler

Becoming Data

Edited by Anna Carnap and Viktoria Flasche

JFMH23: Spannungsfeld der digitalen Kompetenz

Edited by Miriam Mulders, Kristian Träg, Tatjana Steinhaus and Anne Vonarx


see resp. Call at

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