Measuring Media Literacy

Edited by Julian Ernst, Christian Seyferth-Zapf, Judit Martinez Moreno and Klaus Rummler

Please submit your abstract until 12 December 2022 at . Please also find the author guidelines there.
Call for Papers as PDF


Almost 30 years after the nominal establishment of the term by Dieter Baacke, “Medienkompetenz” (synonymous with “media literacy” in English, Grafe 2011) has become one of the central concepts, and its teaching is one of the most important fields of action in Media Education in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland. In particular, the theoretical-conceptual discussion of media literacy shows continuity (Moser, Grell, and Niesyto 2011; Herzig et al. 2010; Groeben and Hurrelmann 2002; Niesyto and Moser 2018), interest that can also be seen in recent relevant calls for papers in German speaking journals with a focus on media education (Bettinger and Reißmann 2022; Knaus, Merz, and Junge 2022).

However, while there is a significant amount of research being done on a theoretical-conceptual level in the German-speaking countries, there is a lack of empirical research on “Medienkompetenz” (Hugger 2022). For instance, there is a lack of quantitative surveys on the media-related competencies of different groups (Treumann et al. 2007; Marci-Boehncke and Rath 2007; Eickelmann et al. 2019), qualitative studies focusing on acquisition processes (Ernst 2021; Hugger et al. 2019; Swertz et al. 2016), or mixed-methods evaluation studies on media literacy promotion (Seyferth-Zapf and Grafe 2020; Schmitt et al. 2020). And although there are some isolated cases where an empirical approach has been followed, they are hardly applicable to current phenomena of a digitalised lifeworld due to their year of publication.

The methodical and methodological reflection of empirical research on media literacy lags the big number of theoretical-conceptual contributions in this field. Although there have been developed survey instruments on dimensions of media literacy in the last decade, especially by Media and Communication Studies (e.g., on media critical abilities: Sowka et al. 2015), there is still a lack of empirical research on media literacy. Critical reflection and further empirical development of the operationalisation and measuring of media literacy occur only sporadically, for example, regarding the methodological issue that media literacy cannot be recorded directly, but only by means of the evaluation of performances (Hugger 2022; Sutter and Charlton 2002). Furthermore, it can also be seen that there is a lack of empirical studies in the German-speaking Media Education discourse, when comparing it to a differentiated and extensive English-speaking discourse on empirical research on media literacy (Potter and Thai 2019; Jeong, Cho, and Hwang 2012; Hobbs 2011; Hobbs and Frost 2011; Potter 2010) and related constructs such as ICT literacy (Siddiq et al. 2016) or new media literacy (Lee et al. 2015; Chen et al. 2018).


This special issue intends to gather contributions that shed light on fundamental questions of empirical research on media literacy. Submissions can address the following questions, among others:

  • What challenges exist in the empirical operationalisation of media-related competence models such as media literacy, ICT literacy, new media literacy, digital literacy, or digital competence?
  • How can common conditions for success be formulated for the development of standardised questionnaires, as well as measurement and test instruments, for the assessment of media-related competencies from the perspective of Media Education and Media and Communication Studies?
  • What lessons can be learned from past projects and initiatives regarding the development of measurement instruments?
  • What potential does the integration of qualitative and quantitative survey methods offer for research on media literacy?
  • What role do qualitative studies play for the quantitative measurement of media literacy, and for the development of measurement and test instruments?
  • How can empirical research on media literacy successfully interact with theory development?
  • How can the German media literacy discourse (“Medienkompetenz”) benefit from empirical research perspectives taken in the English-speaking media literacy discourse?
  • Which measuring and testing instruments for media competence or media literacy are available in different academic disciplines? How can these be used and further developed in an open dialogue?

The special issue is bilingual: Contributions are welcome in English and in German language.

Submission and procedure

This call invites contributions in a two-stage review process:

  • Abstracts of possible contributions of up to 800 words (incl. references) with five to six keywords. The abstracts will undergo a peer-review process. Submission until 12th December 2022 via: The editors will inform about the preliminary acceptance of the contribution until 31st January 2023.
  • The full texts of accepted abstracts must be submitted by 30th June 2023.
  • Subsequently, the full texts will be reviewed in a double-blind peer-review process until 30th September 2023.

Publication of the thematic issue is planned for the end of 2023.

Requirements for full texts
  • Articles submitted in German or English must be original contributions or first publications.
  • Scientific contributions (full texts) should contain approximately 40.000 characters (with spaces, without abstract and bibliography).
  • An abstract of 150-200 words should briefly summarise the central statements and results.
  • Both title and abstract must be in German and English and submitted together with the article.
  • The guidelines for authors apply:

In the context of scientific transparency, we encourage all researchers to make their research data (e.g., software, data sets, questionnaires used) available with the submission.

Submission of abstracts and full texts via:

  • Julian Ernst ORCID University of Teacher Education Zurich
  • Christian Seyferth-Zapf ORCID University of Bayreuth
  • Judit Martinez Moreno ORCID University of Teacher Education Zurich
  • Klaus Rummler ORCID University of Teacher Education Zurich

Bettinger, Patrick, und Wolfgang Reißmann. 2022. «Digitalität und Souveränität. Braucht es neue Leitbilder in der Medienpädagogik?» merz | medien + erziehung.

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Herzig, Bardo, Niclas Schaper, Alexander Martin, und Daniel Ossenschmidt. 2015. «Verbund: M3K - Modellierung und Messung medienpädagogischer Kompetenz: Teilprojekt: Medienerzieherische und mediendidaktische Facetten und handlungsleitende Einstellungen : Schlussbericht : Berichtszeitraum: 01.06.2012-30.09.2015». Paderborn: Universität Paderborn.

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