Research and Open Educational Resources – A snapshot on Europe

Special Issue within the Journal MediaEducation (Zeitschrift MedienPädagogik) Edited by Markus Deimann Please submit your contribution until May 31st 2018 at ein. Please follow the author guidelines at Call for Papers as PDF


Open Educational Resources (OER), i.e. teaching and learning materials that are published with an open licence, have become increasingly important as an educational reform project over the past decade. The goal of providing unrestricted access to education to a wide range of people came in closer reach by modern information and communication technologies. Private and public funding bodies have invested considerable sums in the production and dissemination of OER. In 2016, the BMBF initiated a funding strategy for Germany, which currently support 23 projects plus an OER-Infopoint. Relevant on the international level was the Second UNESCO World Congress on OER in September 2017 in Ljubljana. Its final declaration (Ljubljana Action Plan) claimed – among others – a strong capacity building within education on OER.

In the perspective of educational policy and daily practices OER are well organised with periodic events and activities, whereas research about or within OER is almost non-existent. Various reasons for this could be brought forward, e.g. the limited awareness about OER within scientific communities.

In the light of the increasing importance of OER for educational and political strategies and programmes, a systematic scientific perspective seems to be crucial in order to validate the claims that are linked to OER.

With this special issue, we attempt to showcase existing research approaches and to highlight specific patterns. It is hoped that this will help to expand the scientific body on OER. Its exploratory approach should help to shape its outlines and to work on a further foundation and systematisation of OER.

Potential Contributions

Contributions for the Special Issue «Research and Open Educational Resources» should:

  • Have a scientific perspective on Open Educational Resources;
  • Present research on Open Educational Resources;
  • Reflect on Open Educational Resources from a scientific perspective.

Please submit your contribution electronically according to the author guidelines until May 31st 2018 at:

Contributions submitted in English or German should be original and should not be under consideration elsewhere. The total character count must be under 40.000 characters (including spaces, without abstract, and without references). A narrative abstract of 150–200 words briefly describes the main issues, significant results and conclusions. Contributions must be submitted with an English and German title and abstract.

  • PD Dr. Markus Deimann, Fachhochschule Lübeck