Digital Reading Promotion At Primary Schools Between Aspiration And Reality
Extern: Springerlink (Deutsch)

How to Cite

Viertel, Michael, Yvonne Ehrenspeck-Kolasa, and Anke Spies. 2017. “Digital Reading Promotion At Primary Schools Between Aspiration And Reality: An Investigation into the Use and Evaluation of the Web-Based Reading Promotion ’Antolin’ by Primary School Teachers in Lower Saxony (NuBeAn)”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 13 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):151-64.



Today, children grow up quite naturally into a world in which they are confronted with a multitude of multimedia offers. In the process, they turn to the 'new(er)' (currently convergent, mobile and networked) digital media with great interest and enjoyment, as they have for a long time, as empirical studies on the use and significance of media in children's everyday lives in recent decades have sufficiently demonstrated (Bonfadelli 1986; Klingler/Groebel 1994; MPFS 1999-2014).