Digitally Supported Learning In The Caring Professions Under Boundaryless Conditions
Extern: Springerlink (Deutsch)

How to Cite

Kamin, Anna-Maria, and Dorothee M. Meister. 2017. “Digitally Supported Learning In The Caring Professions Under Boundaryless Conditions: A Design- and Development-Oriented Research Project”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 13 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):213-29.



Digitally supported learning is becoming increasingly important for more and more occupational fields, even if systematic integration is often only in its infancy despite the variety of offers. At the same time, vocational learning is experiencing a blurring of boundaries, as learning processes are increasingly taking place in the process of work, so that work and learning are merging and learning content must be available ubiquitously. Furthermore, knowledge-intensive service professions in particular are characterised by an enormous dynamic with regard to the production of new and revision of outdated specialist knowledge.