Optimizing media decisions in lesson planning – a utopia?
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Küth, Simon, Daniel Scholl, Christoph Schüle, and Kathrin Rheinländer. 2021. “Optimizing Media Decisions in Lesson Planning – a Utopia?”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 42 (Optimierung):217-36. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/42/2021.06.20.X.


Copyright (c) 2021 Simon Küth, Daniel Scholl, Christoph Schüle, Kathrin Rheinländer

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This article offers a media-didactic interpretation of the optimization idea which is discussed by combining perspectives from cognitive psychology and information technology. A central media-didactic principle states that decisions for optimized media-supported learning interact with, for example, analysed individual preconditions, decisions on goals or content. The consequence of this interdependency principle is having to make interactive media decisions in line with all other planning decisions and requirements as early as during lesson planning. The result is supposed to be a lesson design that is as coherent as possible, the quality of which must then be continuously developed in an ongoing cycle of planning, implementation and analysis of lesson and instruction. In the present article the perspective of cognitive load theory is used on this media-didactic principle to question whether optimized interdependent lesson planning fails due to the cognitive architecture of the planners and must therefore remain a utopia. A technology-based learning opportunity – a planning software – is introduced which supports learning of interdependent planning decisions by relieving cognitive load. This software points towards a potential way to make interdependent planning decisions, even for beginners.



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