The role of openness within teaching practices
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School development
model of planning
teaching design

How to Cite

Kortegast, Vanessa, and Ann-Kathrin Watolla. 2020. “The Role of Openness Within Teaching Practices: A Model for Open Learning Units”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2020 (Occasional Papers):190-207.


Copyright (c) 2020 Vanessa Kortegast, Ann-Kathrin Watolla

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Within the discourse of digitalization, openness has become one of the most defining dimensions in education. Using a framework of media education by means of the dualism of applicatory and ethical manifestations of action, the abstract and to some extent diffuse term of ‹openness› is set to be defined. In doing so, new opportunities for action in terms of the development of learning within the scope of open education will be highlighted and specified in the action of sharing. Therefore, the processes of teaching will be analyzed in terms of openness based on established didactic models of planning learning scenarios. In extending the model of planning learning scenarios to incorporate the new modes of teaching and learning, a new model of planning learning units will be presented: the model of planning open learning units. Considering that, an open attitude on the side of educators that is based on the concept of open pedagogy is essential. By means of operationalized questions regarding both the applicatory and the ethical manifestations of action, examples for the new opportunities for action within the added phase of sharing as well as the existing phases of planning, preparing, implementing and evaluation teaching units will be presented.


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