Part III: Advancing Media-related Educational Competencies


Competency Advancement
International Comparison
International Study
Educational Technology Competencies
Media Literacy Competencies
Medienpädagogische Kompetenz
Digital Pedagogical Competencies
Expert Interviews
Initial Teacher Education Practice

How to Cite

Tiede, Jennifer. 2020. “Part III: Advancing Media-Related Educational Competencies”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education, no. Media-related Edu. Competencies (July):152-220.


Copyright (c) 2020 Jennifer Tiede

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


In the first part of this dissertation, selected models and standards from Germany and the USA were introduced, based on a literature review and thus revealing what is considered relevant for practice in a variety of sources and which competencies preservice teachers should acquire, according to these sources. In the second part, methods and selected results of competency measurements were introduced, thus demonstrating ways to operationalize the models and to assess the outcomes of respective processes of such a model integration. Complementary to these theoretical and measurement-focused perspectives on media-related educational competencies, it is important to extend the viewpoint to practices of media-related education of preservice teachers: the objectives both of competency models and of competency measurements ultimately include impacting the respective practices in teacher education and offering a grounded basis and stimuli for improvements and enhanced practice. In accordance with this, various sources emphasize the importance of research on the integration of ICT and respective competencies into initial teacher education (Enochsson und Rizza 2009; Krumsvik 2014; Tondeur u. a. 2017).


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