Creative appropriation of political information on TikTok
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Social Media
Pilitical Information
Mixed Methods

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Ackermann, Judith, and Leyla Dewitz. 2020. “Creative Appropriation of Political Information on TikTok: A Multi-Method Investigation of the Hashtag #ww3”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 38 (Aneignung polit. Information):69-93.


Copyright (c) 2020 Judith Ackermann, Leyla Dewitz

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This paper deals with political information happening on the micro video platform TikTok based on the hashtag #ww3, that got popular in January 2020 with regard to the question, if a third world war could break out, since US President Donald Trump agreed to a US-led drone attack that killed Iran‘s General Qassem Soleimani. Based on 1373 videos and captions tagged with #ww3 the study analyses in how far users employ the different communication possibilities of the network to negotiate personal connections, thoughts and opinions associated with #ww3. A quantitative research shows that the desire of being visible and getting viral on the platform must be seen as the primary motivation in producing content on TikTok. Still videos and captions are also intensely used to deal with political topics and questions. A qualitative content analysis reveals that appropriating political information by producing TikToks among others focuses on including transformations and plot twists into a narration, applying text inserts into the videos for semantic clarification, promoting a dominant way of understanding a video as well as using ironical exaggerations to increase the distance between a user and their content.


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