‘Alexa, Adv(ert)ise us!’


Smart Speaker
Advertising Literacy
Google Assistant
voice assistants
Ininteractive Voice Advertising
parasocial interactionism
Big Data
culture sciences
communication sciences
Digital assistent
consumer research
Media Literacy

How to Cite

Haas, Michael, and Anna Keller. 2021. “‘Alexa, Adv(ert)ise us!’: How Smart Speakers and Digital Assistants Challenge Advertising Literacy Amongst Young People”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 43 (Advertising Literacy):19-40. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/43/2021.07.23.X.


Copyright (c) 2021 Michael Haas, Anna Keller

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Digital assistants increasingly infiltrate the world of children. The way they function reminds us somewhat of playmates, nannies and tutors. So far, educators have only marginally dealt with this new media phenomenon, yet the use of smart speakers by young people offers many opportunities as well as challenges. These are elaborated in this article and classified in terms of media education. Firstly, we will address a definition of smart speakers and digital speech assistants, and then examine their use by means of usage data. We will then concentrate on examining the extent to which these smart technologies play a role in the environments of young people. What forms of advertising are there? What data do digital assistants collect? And finally, how can parents, educators and companies ensure that smart technologies are used in a child-friendly manner that complies with data protection regulations? Our aim is to nudge the phenomenon of smart speakers and speech assistants into the media-pedagogical focus. Dealing with the specific characteristics of smart speakers requires a high degree of (child) user competence. As we will show in the conclusion, there are further pedagogically beneficial approaches from the point of view of promoting advertising literacy.



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