Conclusions: Media-related Educational Competencies of German and US Preservice Teachers


Competency Modeling
Competency Measurement
Competency Advancement
International Comparison
Medienpädagogische Kompetenz
Digital Pedagogical Competencies

How to Cite

Tiede, Jennifer. 2020. “Conclusions: Media-Related Educational Competencies of German and US Preservice Teachers”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education, no. Media-related Edu. Competencies (July):221-35.


Copyright (c) 2020 Jennifer Tiede

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


In the previous three main parts, the dimensions of modeling, measuring and advancing media-related educational competencies were analyzed in detail. Against this background, it has now become evident how closely interrelated the three dimensions are. The fourth research question addresses this issue: “What is the relationship between modeling, measuring and advancing media-related educational competencies in both countries?” Hence, the following final chapter will bring together and draw conclusions on the findings presented above and conclude the work with an overall summary and analysis of the relationships between modeling, measuring and advancing media-related educational competencies and with an outlook to further perspectives and research desiderata.


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