Fostering Social Inclusion through Playful Pedagogy
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game-based learning
social inclusion
playful pedagogy

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Möhlen, Lisa-Katharina, Daniel Handle-Pfeiffer, Alexander Schmölz, Michelle Proyer, and Gertraud Kremsner. 2021. “Fostering Social Inclusion through Playful Pedagogy: Zur Aktiven Auseinandersetzung Mit Sozialen Differenzlinien Durch Game-Based Learning Activities”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 41 (Inklusiv-mediale Bildung):99-117.


Copyright (c) 2021 Lisa-Katharina Möhlen, Daniel Handle-Pfeiffer, Alexander Schmoelz, Michelle Proyer, Gertraud Kremsner

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The following paper shows how inclusion can be fostered through playful pedagogy. The Erasmus+ project ‘eCrisis’ is the initial point of this research. For the data collection, workshops in school and other educational institutions were held. Data were collected by various qualitative methods and evaluated by the Documentary Method. Results show that the core focus lies on players’ interaction and the handling of social inequalities. Those aspects are the main base to identify inclusive potentials while playing and post game-based activities. Therefore, three competences are set to analyse the data: reflective debating, creative thinking and conflict resolution. The most important outcomes are that players are confronted with social inequality during playing. The interaction and actions are determined by habitualised and spontaneous structures. On the other side, reflective processes regarding social inequalities are happening during post game-activities.


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