Hegemoniality And Governmentality Of Optimisation Relations
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Waldmann, Maximilian, and Ulaş Aktaş. 2021. “Hegemoniality And Governmentality Of Optimisation Relations: Post-Digital Learning Practices Between Resistance, Precarity and Affirmation”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 42 (Optimierung):327-48. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/42/2021.08.27.X.


Copyright (c) 2021 Maximilian Waldmann , Ulaş Aktaş

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Aesthetic digital practices reveal various forms of optimisation contexts that are mostly coupled with processes of individualisation and isolation. However, aesthetic digital practices can also offer possibilities for collectivisation and resistance against the omnipresent demands for optimisation. Against this background, both repressive and resistant sides of aesthetic-medial practices will be considered. The ambivalences are illuminated by two examples. The first example comes from Japan and the field of Intelligent Assistant Systems. The three-dimensional figure, Azuma Hikari, designed after an anime character, is supposed to make the lives of young single men more pleasant and takes over a number of care activities for them. This example is used to analyse the technology-supported handling of isolationist tendencies in neoliberal societies from a care-feminist perspective. The second example is the planned digital memorial in Keupstrasse, which aims to commemorate the two bombings of the NSU in Cologne with the help of augmented reality technology. In contrast to the obvious dominance of the servile side of precarious self-government in the first example, the second examines possibilities of resistance to neoliberal optimisation and forms of community foundation.


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