Schools as Digital Figurations?
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Jarke, Juliane, and Andreas Breiter. 2021. “Schools As Digital Figurations? Considering the Sociomateriality of Algorithms and Data”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 44 (Data Driven Schools):140-59.


Copyright (c) 2021 Juliane Jarke, Andreas Breiter

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Assessment and evaluation practices are key elements of learning and teaching in schools. As the organisation of schools becomes more and more digitised, new instruments evolve that monitor, assess and classify pupils, teachers and education systems. Digital assessment practices and related data are distinct from pre-digital forms as they are highly detailed, cover a greater scope and can be combined in a flexible manner. The article discusses how datafication and digital assessment practices are transforming schooling. Data and algorithms are not understood as purely technical entities, but as actors within sociomaterial figurations. The consequences of their increased importance for and in education are multivalent: Digital assessment practices may lead to new forms of participation, but they also require a higher media and data literacy. They lead to new spatial extensions of communication and shifting of translocal interrelations, at the same time disguise human agency through software systems. They allow for new options for surveillance, but also afford greater transparency and accountability.


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