Adaptive Learning Systems Between Optimization and Critique
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Weich, Andreas, Philipp Deny, Marvin Priedigkeit, and Jasmin Troeger. 2021. “Adaptive Learning Systems Between Optimization and Critique: An Interdisciplinary Media Constellation Analysis of Bettermarks”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 44 (Data Driven Schools):22-51.


Copyright (c) 2021 Andreas Weich, Philipp Deny, Marvin Priedigkeit, Jasmin Troeger

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The development and implementation of data-driven adaptive learning systems take place within a complex constellation. Principles from computer science come together with school realities that they transfer into specific formalized and computational models. In this context, the development and use of adaptive learning systems are associated with both optimization expectations and criticism on the part of school stakeholders. Against this backdrop, the paper analyzes the adaptive mathematics learning platform bettermarks as a media constellation that is pervaded by principles of modeling, processing and optimization that are typical for computer science and technology, and that are at the same time entangled with school practices of teaching and learning and established subject positions. Findings are that bettermarks is based on principles of computational thinking, solutionism, iterative conditional loops and student profiles that focus on learning objectives and hierarchical power relations. It constitutes a media constellation that is not primarily establishing an adaption of the system itself but a behavioristic adaption and optimization of the student according to given performance profiles. At the same time, beyond the concrete modelling in bettermarks, the informatics modelling itself is critically examined insofar as it systematically excludes non-computable elements. For a design of adaptive learning systems that critically and reflectively incorporates these results, it is finally proposed to bring together media science and informatics actors in participatory projects with teachers and learners.


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