The Conditio Humana in the Digital Age
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Wiener Manifest
Conditio Humana

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Schmölz, Alexander. 2020. “The Conditio Humana in the Digital Age: A Contribution to the Foundations of Digital Humanism and the Vienna Manifesto”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2020 (Occasional Papers):208-34.


Copyright (c) 2020 Alexander Schmölz

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


In the existing debates and the Vienna Manifesto of Digital Humanism, despite its clear and forward-looking normativity, it often remains open in which direction of thought Digital Humanism is located and whether a paradigm and a certain doctrine of humanity is hidden behind this term? This may lead to diverging basic orientations towards digital humanism and it is open whether a common narrative of digital humanism is necessary or whether plurality constitutes a postmodern digital humanism? The article presented here pursues these questions, attempts to turn to central studies on humanism and thus seeks to create a foundation and location for digital humanism and its Vienna Manifesto. In a first step, the inner foundations of humanism are presented. The fundamental question of the Conditio Humana and the fundamental methodology of humanism are worked out in distinction to anti-humanist currents. In a second step, existing foundations of digital humanism are named. The central result is that the invention of the Conditio Humana as rational thinking and logical operation to demythologize nature was an achievement of the Enlightenment. But the Conditio Humana in digital humanism is changed in relation to the machine, because rational thinking and logical operating is ascribed to the machine. Creativity and individual speech in digital space are two new Conditio Humana in digital humanism. The postmodern human being is thus relieved of the calculable rationality without falling back into mythology. The conclusion hints at the consequences of the reinvention of the Conditio Humana and identifies central problems and questions for a desirable future of digital humanism.


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