Social Network Sites - a (non) pedagogical-free zone?
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Social Network Sites
Social Media
Social Work
Youth Work
pedagogical actions

How to Cite

Stix, Daniela Cornelia. 2020. “Social Network Sites - a (non) Pedagogical-Free Zone? 2014. Deutsche Jugend, Nr. 12: 531–38. https://doi.Org/10.3262/DJ1412531”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education, no. Social Media in der OKJA (October).


Copyright (c) 2020 Daniela Cornelia Stix

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Today, pedagogues from a wide variety of fields use social media and especially social network sites in their daily work. As a reaction to data protection concerns and a lack of rules on how to use the network, some German states issued guidelines on the use of social network sites in schools in 2013. These decrees, which differ widely in content, lead to uncertainty in fields and in federal states where no specifications exist.

On the one hand, this article is intended to provide orientation by focusing on the perspective of young people. It answers the question of what young people think about their youth workers and teachers being on social network sites and what interaction behaviour is perceived as (in)appropriate. To this end, the findings of various studies will be processed and summarised and finally transferred to the field of youth work. This also should encourage readers to develop rules of conduct together with the young people. Last but not least, thie paper can also be used as a pedagogical argumentation for use of social network sites in pedagogical fields.


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