The Mixture Makes the Difference
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Parental Mediation

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Riesmeyer, Claudia, Claudia Wilhelm, and Doreen Reifegerste. 2022. “The Mixture Makes the Difference: Parental Mediation Strategies of Children’s Media Use During the Corona Pandemic”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 46 (Parents - Educators - Literacy):24-50.


Copyright (c) 2022 Claudia Riesmeyer, Claudia Wilhelm, Doreen Reifegerste

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The outbreak of the Corona pandemic posed challenges and resolved uncertainties for parents and children worldwide. Parents had to cope with home office, childcare responsibilities, and accompanying their children’s homeschooling in addition to everyday life. In particular, daycare and school closures and curfew restrictions altered family routines, which was accompanied by increased media use by adolescents and adults. Drawing on parental mediation theory, this paper examines the mediation strategies of childen’s media use parents used during the first lockdown in general and in relation to information about the Corona virus, the extent to which they adapted these strategies in response to the pandemic, and the factors that determined which form of media regulation parents chose. It is based on guided interviews (n = 55) and an online survey of parents with children aged three to 18 (n = 146). The findings show that parents firstly combined different mediation strategies, secondly adapted them in the pandemic depending on the situation and the child’s needs, and thirdly that child, parent, and context factors determined the choice of mediation strategy.


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