Family-School Partnership and Technological Devices
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Bonanati, Sabrina, Ricarda Kurock, Nicole Gruchel, and Heike M. Buhl. 2022. “Family-School Partnership and Technological Devices: Differences Between Families and Associations to Parents’ Internet Skills and Parental Mediation”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 46 (Parents - Educators - Literacy):72-92.


Copyright (c) 2022 Sabrina Bonanati, Ricarda Kurock, Nicole Gruchel, Heike M. Buhl

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Family-school partnership (FSP) offers possibilities to strengthen parents’ own internet skills and the appropriate choice of parental mediation strategies. Until now, there is little knowledge about FSP about technological devices in Germany. We investigated how parents perceived FSP about technological devices, differences in FSP regarding structural family characteristics, and the association of FSP to parents’ own internet skills and parental mediation strategies. N = 736 eleven-year-old students and N = 426 of their parents were investigated. Only a little FSP about technological devices was reported. Parents who were not born in Germany and reported lower educational degrees reported a higher extent of FSP. FSP was significantly negative related to parents’ own internet skills but not to parental mediation. Thus, parents who reported to be less competent in their internet skills perceived more FSP about technological devices. The results implicate that schools may react sensitively to parents’ needs. Furthermore, it is possible that parents who felt less competent with the internet were more aware of the information and invitations schools provided. Results can help to create more offers for parents as well as to design them in a way that is suitable for the target group.


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