‹Teaching Offline is like Lovingly Elaborate Cooking for Friends, without Experiencing them Actually Tasting›
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Carolus, Astrid, and Catharina Münch. 2022. “‹Teaching Offline Is Like Lovingly Elaborate Cooking for Friends, Without Experiencing Them Actually Tasting›: Mediapsychological Perspective on Teaching During a Pandemic”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 46 (Parents - Educators - Literacy):198-231. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/46/2022.05.13.X.


Copyright (c) 2022 Astrid Carolus, Catharina Münch

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


COVID-19 shed light on the limitations of digitalization at school, which have been intensively discussed since then. This study argues for a widening of perspectives, which goes beyond the level of technical equipment: The analysis of teachers’ behaviour, cognitions and emotions is presented as a heuristically fruitful approach to study the underlying factors of the lack of digitization. A combination of a qualitative and quantitative online survey asks for N = 50 teachers’ engagement with distance teaching during COVID-19 pandemic and their perspectives on digital media and technology. The results provide insight into media-related design of teaching during the COVID-19 crisis, evaluation of distance learning, and into their use of media and their evaluations of media. In addition, it is shown that two psychological factors – «personal development» and «willingness to change» – are significantly related to teachers’ technology readiness. Overall, the study makes a first contribution to the analysis of the situation of teachers in the current pandemic and presents implications for both future research and continuing education of teachers.



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