‹On the Medialization of the World and the Mediatization of Discourse›
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medial change
media theory
politics of concepts
conceptual analysis

How to Cite

Hug, Theo, and Rainer Leschke. 2022. “‹On the Medialization of the World and the Mediatization of Discourse›: Explorations Between the Poles of Conceptual Politics in Medial Infrastructures and Concept-Analytical Differentiations”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2022 (Occasional Papers):137-61. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/00/2022.10.31.X.


Copyright (c) 2022 Theo Hug, Rainer Leschke

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Indications regarding the increasing relevance of the media have become ubiquitous. This concerns various discourse contexts related to everyday life as well as to economic, political, technological and scientific spheres. Frequently, references are made to relevant media and communication science analyses, which in turn operate with different concepts and theories. On the one hand, these analyses correspond to a broad spectrum of terms, descriptive modalities, and ways of thematization. On the other hand, some expressions also serve as guiding metaphors, generic terms or catchwords with programmatic or paradigmatic claims. Medialization and mediatization are among these expressions that have achieved a high degree of popularity and portability in recent years and are often used synonymously. In this paper, we first examine some aspects of politics of concepts of corresponding discourses in media studies and communications. In contrast to synonymous uses, we argue for conceptual differentiation and constructive coexistence that can prove fruitful for both theoretical and empirical research.



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