Through Reflection to More Social Relatedness
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situated learning
Higher Education

How to Cite

Thielsch, Angelika. 2021. “Through Reflection to More Social Relatedness: A Model for Analysing Encounters When Teaching Online”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 40 (CoViD-19):138-56.


Copyright (c) 2021 Angelika Thielsch

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Motivated by the experiences that teachers and learners made at the dawn of the Covid-19 pandemic and the unexpected shift to online teaching, this paper deals with how social relatedness can be promoted in formal educational contexts such as higher education. This can be accomplished by focusing on the encounters that are inherent to learning processes. Drawing its insights from interdisciplinary findings of the broad field of teaching and learning (with technologies), this paper first collects arguments that stress why engaged learning involves both cognitive and affective processes before relating them to the (social) situatedness of learning. Combined with the focus on encounters in learning, these theoretical insights are used to develop a model that allows teachers to consider student involvement as they plan their higher education courses.


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