Good Online Teaching Practice from the Students’ Perspective in the First Weeks of the CoViD-19 Crisis
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Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT)
Higher Education

How to Cite

Schön, Sandra, Viktoria Wieser, Sebastian Dennerlein, and Martin Ebner. 2021. “Good Online Teaching Practice from the Students’ Perspective in the First Weeks of the CoViD-19 Crisis: The Student View on ‹Good Teaching› at TU Graz in May 2020”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 40 (CoViD-19):411-29.


Copyright (c) 2021 Sandra Schön, Viktoria Wieser, Sebastian Dennerlein, Martin Ebner

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


At the end of May 2020, students at Graz University of Technology were asked about good teaching experiences in emergency online teaching through the CoViD 19 pandemic in the summer semester 2020 within a student qualification work. 137 examples of good teaching from different participants are evaluated for the contribution. The analysis of the responses shows that video technology is (also) used in a majority of the courses that were experienced as good practice (90 %), videos are (also) made available in more than half of them, and live, i.e. synchronous, online events are offered in half of them. An essential characteristic of good teaching examples is that students have learned something (77 % «strongly agree») and in descriptions of the teaching examples around one third mention that the changeover of the course they experienced as good practice took place quickly. Students mentioned methodological-didactic features are rather rarely (12 %) in the early phase of distance learning.


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