Personalized Learning with Digital Media as a Challenge for School Development
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Personalised learning
Systematic Review
social inclusion
School Development
Media at school

How to Cite

Schaumburg, Heike. 2021. “Personalized Learning With Digital Media As a Challenge for School Development: A Systematic Research Review”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 41 (Inklusiv-mediale Bildung):134-66.


Copyright (c) 2021 Heike Schaumburg

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


A major benefit of digital media in inclusive education is the technical support of individualized learning processes. «Technology-enhanced personalized learning» is a term that has been used for about a decade to describe this kind of systematic individualization with the help of digital learning platforms and programs. In the meantime, numerous research studies have been published that have been largely ignored in the debate about inclusion and digitization. The purpose of this paper is therefore to review the current state of research on personalized learning in order to derive insights that are also relevant for the further development of inclusive digital school and teaching concepts. This systematic research review, which follows the rules of the ENTREQ-Statement, summarizes the results of 18 studies evaluating numerous pilot experiments. It focuses on the effects of the introduction of technology-enhanced personalized learning on school development. Using the three-way model of school development (Rolff und Thünken 2020; Rolff 1998), the review summarizes findings at the instructional, personnel, and organizational level. The results show a wide range of implementations. A significant added value of technology-enhanced personalized learning is seen in the provision of additional student data. Numerous barriers at all three levels of school development hinder an extensive implementation.


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