Presentation of the Seminar ‹Teaching and learning in the digital world› as an Example of Mediating Skills for Future Teachers
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Digital Competence
Inclusive Practices
Blended Learning

How to Cite

Dornebusch, Konrad. 2022. “Presentation of the Seminar ‹Teaching and Learning in the Digital world› As an Example of Mediating Skills for Future Teachers: Vorstellung Des Seminars ‹Lehren Und Lernen in Der Digitalen Welt›”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 48 (Digitalisierung als Katalysator):85-93.


Copyright (c) 2022 Konrad Dornebusch

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Digital skills are now also indispensable in everyday school life. The utilization of digital tools for preparing and following up lessons or entire events have to be performed virtually under the pandemic conditions can be seen as an example of digital change in education. However, it is unclear how prospective teachers can actually acquire these digital competencies. To counteract this, concrete concepts are essential to promote the acquisition of competencies in this area. It is also unclear how this acquisition of competencies can be sufficient developed during the course of study. This paper shows one way to do so. This article presents the seminar «Teaching and learning in the digital world» at the TU-Dresden in the supplementary area (interdisciplinary) for student teachers. The seminar approaches the topic from two perspectives, teaching and learning «with» and «about» digital media. In addition to presenting the seminar, the article discusses the extension of the topic of «inclusive educational processes». The article shows how an established seminar concept on the digital educational context aims to introduce prospective teachers to the basics of inclusion in addition to digital competencies. The article hopes to inspire people on the integration and connection between digital and inclusion topics in teaching formats.


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