Twist it once, twist it twice
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digital media
new media literacy
artistic intervention

How to Cite

Wiehl, Anna. 2022. “Twist It Once, Twist It Twice: Media Practices Between Artistic Intervention and Informal Media Education”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 18 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):155-91.


Copyright (c) 2022 Anna Wiehl

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This contribution addresses the potential of interactive artistic-documentary configurations as well as the challenges that arise with regard to educational offerings in, with, and through digital network media. The focus lies on three aspects which are essential in the context of media education: (1) the oscillation of media experiences in interactive factuals between subjectivisation and collectivisation; (2) their promise of participation; and (3) their contribution to advancing (media) competences vis-à-vis digital sovereignty, new media literacy and agency. The guiding questions are: To what extent can experimental configurations be regarded as informal/non-formal educational media? And: In how far can they inspire – on a meta level or through their experience design – a critically-reflective view of one’s own ‹digital persona›? After a brief overview of self-reflexive interactive-documentary configurations and a media-historical and media-ecological situating of the phenomenon, two projects which are rather typical of web-documentaries will be examined with regard to their contribution to digital sovereignty. These projects are primarily based on procedural-rhetorics, narrative immersion and complexly networked provision of information, thus enhancing what can be described as digital literacy. In a second step, network effect (USA 2015; Harris and Hochmuth) will be used as a paradigm to discuss the potential of aesthetically radical, irritating projects used as provocative-paradoxical interventions to expand the spectrum of classical strategies of the documentary, but also of formal educational processes.

The guiding question is to what extent experimental emerging configurations can be regarded as infor-mal/non-formal educational media and in how far they can inspire – on a meta level or through their experien-tial design – a critically-reflective view of one's own ‹digital persona›.  

After a short overview of self-reflexive interactive documentary, network effect (USA 2015, Harris & Hochmuth), a configuration which is situated between interactive netart and web-documentarism, will serve as a teststone for the proposition that it is through aesthetically radical means and an irritating experience desgin that a critical stance towards one's own media practices is inspired; and that it is possibly precisely through provocative-paradoxical interventions that boundaries of both classical strategies of formal educational and documentary formats are pushed further.


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