Right-Wing Extremist Framing on YouTube
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Right-Wing Extremists
Political Communication

How to Cite

Heider, Matthias. 2022. “Right-Wing Extremist Framing on YouTube: Forms of Representation and Aesthetics of Influencers of the German Far-Right Movement ‹Identitäre Bewegung›”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 18 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):267-90. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/jb18/2022.02.27.X.


Copyright (c) 2022 Matthias Heider

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The German-speaking right-wing extremist scene is active on YouTube. Right-wing extremist influencers regularly publish videos in which they address political issues. Some of them reach hundreds of thousands of people with their content. Based on the findings of the framing theory, which assumes that the way an event is described and presented has an impact on the interpretation of the event by the recipients, this study analyses five videos by influencers of the far-right movement ‹Identiäre Bewegung›, using qualitative content analysis. It is evident that the YouTubers adapt to the common aesthetics of the platform and that they use humorous stylistic devices to make their content seem less radical. In addition, they partly use aesthetics and strategies that are familiar from news formats. This way, they serve familiar viewing habits of the recipients. In addition, the videos appear to be journalistically researched and verified, although this is not the case. These results not only offer an insight into the communication strategies of right-wing extremist groups, but also important starting points for practical work against the far right.



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