Digital Collages and Aesthetic-Communicative Networking
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Cultural Education

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Hallmann, Kerstin, Fabian Hofmann, Jessica Knauer, Astrid Lembcke-Thiel, Kristine Preuß, Claudia Roßkopf, and Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel. 2022. “Digital Collages and Aesthetic-Communicative Networking: Insights into a Workshop of the NFKB Research Cluster Interaction and Participation”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 18 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):19-39.


Copyright (c) 2022 Kerstin Hallmann, Fabian Hofmann, Jessica Knauer, Astrid Lembcke-Thiel, Kristine Preuß, Claudia Rosskopf, Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This contribution documents – especially visually – impressions, observations and results from an online workshop «Interaction and Participation in Cultural Education», which aimed to present topics, working methods and principles of the research cluster. It made sense to conceptualize the workshop itself in an interactive and participative manner, as well as along the theme of the framing conference. A large part of the communication is shifted to a digital whiteboard parallel to the video conference, on which all participants can act individually and together. Central fragments from a text of the cluster are available as material, in which the terms interaction and participation are negotiated in a joint self-experiment and guided by the principle of collage. The text principle becomes the operating principle of the workshop: The participants are exposed to the attempt to create collages themselves in small groups on the digital whiteboard using both the provided and their own material. In the experimental format of the workshop, an aesthetic-digital space of possibility and experience is contoured performatively, in which the individual positions and perspectives of all participants interactively enter into networked forms of articulation via text, image and language. In the resulting collages, aspects of aesthetics, digitality and power come into play in an impressive way.


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