Practices of Higher Education Teachers in Dealing with Open Educational Resources
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Open Educational Resources
Higher Education

How to Cite

Schröder, Nadine, and Sophia Donat. 2022. “Practices of Higher Education Teachers in Dealing With Open Educational Resources: Presentation and Promotion of Application Types”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2022 (Occasional Papers):96-112.


Copyright (c) 2022 Nadine Schröder, Sophia Donat

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Open Educational Resources (OER) enable digital teaching and learning materials to be made freely available and usable without restrictions. Therefore, OER have great potential that teaching can be designed and developed collaboratively. In order to increase the use of OER and support higher education teachers in their use of OER, it is important to address their needs and requirements. For this, detailed insights into practices and behaviours of teachers in the use and revision of materials are necessary. This paper presents the results of a research project that identifies the usage behaviour of OER by university teachers. For this purpose, an interview study with higher education teachers about their practical experiences in working with OER was conducted. On this basis, application types were derived that relate to OER activities in the creation, use, editing and publication of materials. From this, options in the design of OER infrastructures and support options for their use could be identified.


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