Online Feedback as a Dialogue
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Community of Practice
Design Critique
Peer Learning
Online Teaching
online communication
situated learning
learning theory

How to Cite

Czauderna, André. 2022. “Online Feedback As a Dialogue: A Sequential Analysis of a Discussion Thread in a Higher Education Context”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2022 (Occasional Papers):162-88.


Copyright (c) 2022 André Czauderna

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


According to situated learning theory, learning can only be understood if it is observed as a social process. For higher education and media didactics this is highly relevant, for instance, when it comes to the application of and research on online platforms that are frequently used, among other things, to facilitate written, asynchronous feedback communication. Against this background, this paper addresses the social dimension of giving and receiving feedback in a discussion forum of a game development course based on a sequential analysis of a single discussion thread. Thus, feedback is examined not only as an input, but as a process and dialogue. In the course of the analysis, it is illustrated how a student project group is helped by instructors and peers – as part of a «community of practice» – to improve its game concept through joint feedback. Furthermore, it can be shown how the recipients of the feedback themselves actively contribute to the success of the feedback processes, by specifically asking for, commenting on, and appreciating the feedback. For the discourse on higher education didactics, the results point to the potential of peer feedback in interaction with feedback from the instructors – in the tradition of the «design critique» as it is common in art and design education – as elements of a didactics of higher education that takes into account the theory of situated learning.


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