A Structural Analysis of Comics
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media literacy
comic studies
transmedia storytelling
game studies

How to Cite

Much, Josefa. 2022. “A Structural Analysis of Comics: A Structural Analysis of Comics. A First Draft and Transmedia Preliminary Considerations”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 50 (Medien - Spiel - Bildung):145-72. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/50/2022.12.06.X.


Copyright (c) 2022 Josefa Much

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The structural media literacy (see Jörissen and Marotzki 2009) presents a lot of tools to analyze, which have been tested, approved and extended in the last years. In times of media convergence and new dimensions of storytelling it is quite important to explore the different media like film, video games and the internet. Thus, it is possible to comprehend the different media and to see world- and self-references within the media. Meanwhile there is a great amount of media franchises, telling stories throughout different media – for example with the help of transmedia storytelling. The structural media literacy presents already analysis models for film, picture, internet and video games – but not for the comic book. This long-lasting medium serves as extension of story or as core story for media franchises in the last years - this marks a point where the comic book gets a special meaning. Hence it is possible to analyze the comic book as a whole, you need also an analysis model for the comic book. This does not exist within the structural media literacy. This paper shows a first draft for an analysis within the structural media literacy and how this model can possibly be classified within the transmedia storytelling.



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