Augmented Reality in Higher Education
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Teacher Education
Augmented Reality
Media integration in school
Higher Education

How to Cite

Wyss, Corinne, Florian Furrer, Adrian Degonda, and Wolfgang Bührer. 2022. “Augmented Reality in Higher Education: Considerations for a Future-Oriented Teacher Education”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 47 (AR/VR - Part 1):118-37.


Copyright (c) 2022 Corinne Wyss, Florian Furrer, Adrian Degonda, Wolfgang Bührer

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that supplements and overlays the real world with virtual information. Various technologies are available for this purpose. These include smartphones, smart glasses, head-mounted displays, and other devices. In recent years, AR has received increased attention in the field of education. Although the number of projects and publications has increased considerably, there are still research gaps regarding didactic aspects of AR in teaching in general and in the field of teacher education. This is a crucial shortcoming, as teachers are the decisive factor for a high level of integration of digital media into school teaching and thus have a substantial influence on the digitisation of public schools. This article is therefore dedicated to this topic and deals with teaching and learning with AR applications in the context of teacher education. Initially, a clarification of concepts and an overview of the central findings on AR in education will be provided and the potential and challenges attributed to the technology will be outlined. Building on this, didactic considerations and concrete educational goals for the use of AR in teacher education are illustrated. The article is intended to provide a stimulating basis for reflecting on and further developing the use of AR in teacher education.


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