Learning in Virtual Reality
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Virtual Reality
Immersive Media

How to Cite

Hartmann, Christian, and Maria Bannert. 2022. “Learning in Virtual Reality: Theoretical Foundations And Implications For Future Research”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 47 (AR/VR - Part 1):373-91. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/47/2022.04.18.X.


Copyright (c) 2022 Christian Hartmann, Maria Bannert

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Virtual reality learning environments respectively immersive media refer to technology-supported applications which enable learners to experience a virtually generated situation close to reality. Within educational research, immersive media is assumed to promote learning processes. However, studies have not yet been able to provide sufficient evidence of this assumption. We argue that the heterogeneous findings of previous studies can be explained by the difficulty to theoretically describe learning with immersive media. We address this difficulty by arguing that the spatial-situational representation of episodic content is a unique feature of immersive media. We further argue that the relationship between exclusive features of immersive media and related learning processes has not been adequately addressed by theoretical models so far. The goal of this paper is to map theoretical relationships more precisely by discussing a unique feature of immersive media so that they can be addressed more specifically in future research.



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