Using Virtual Tours to Support Distance Laboratory Lectures
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Virtual Reality
Immersive Learning
Educational Technology
laboratory lectures
Industry 4.0
360° video

How to Cite

Braun, Christoph, Fares Kayali, and Thomas Moser. 2022. “Using Virtual Tours to Support Distance Laboratory Lectures: Practical Examples from the Project Lab4home”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 47 (AR/VR - Part 1):196-219.


Copyright (c) 2022 Christoph Braun, Fares Kayali, Thomas Moser

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Practical laboratory lectures at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten are affected by situational problems since the outbreak of the Covid-19-pandemic. Due to the limited possibilities for the use of the lab in presence lectures, the project Lab4home was initialized to develop new didactic scenarios for the use in distance laboratory lectures. The connection of didactic elements of teaching, activation, and support with technically and financially feasible components should be in the project focus. This article will show how current virtual reality technologies in the setting of interactive 360° image content are integrated into didactic scenarios, described in two practical examples. The Article shows, which decisions were necessary to use this technology in online lab lectures, based on proven design principles and theories. Under field use of the developed scenarios, previously unconsidered effects in the area of teaching and infrastructural organization appeared. For example, using didactically planned panoramic photos, learners got the chance for information about the 3D printing technology from little-known point of views (inside a 3D printer). The first outcomes showed, that even with basic knowledge of media technology, it is possible to produce learning materials for supporting distance lab settings which students reported positively in their Feedback. The knowledge gained from the implementation of the first two practical applications is now being used to develop a further field study, using empirical research methods.


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