Facilitation of Digital Change of Teaching in School by Professional Learning Communities
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school development
professional learning communities
digital learning and teaching

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Stegmann, Karsten, Tamara Kastorff, Ilona Poluektova, Sonja Berger, Timo Kosiol, Sabrina Reith, Christian Förtsch, Annemarie Rutkowski, Matthias Mohr, Christian Lindermayer, Monika Aufleger, Dagmar Traub, Vera Haldenwang, Stefan Ufer, Birgit Jana Neuhaus, Maria Bannert, Karin Oechslein, Martin Lindner, Claudia Nerdel, Frank Fischer, and Cornelia Gräsel. 2022. “Facilitation of Digital Change of Teaching in School by Professional Learning Communities: Use of Multiplicators to Establish Learning Communities”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 49 (Schulentwicklung):250-70. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/49/2022.07.01.X.


Copyright (c) 2022 Karsten Stegmann, Tamara Kastorff, Ilona Poluektova, Sonja Berger, Timo Kosiol, Sabrina Reith, Christian Förtsch, Annemarie Rutkowski, Matthias Mohr, Christian Lindermayer, Monika Aufleger, Dagmar Traub, Vera Haldenwang, Stefan Ufer, Birgit Jana Neuhaus, Maria Bannert, Karin Oechslein, Martin Lindner, Claudia Nerdel, Frank Fischer, Cornelia Gräsel

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Numerous studies provide evidence that successful implementation of innovation as well as learning of students benefit from teacher collaboration. Such collaboration often takes place as part of so-called Professional Learning Communities (PLC). PLCs are communities of learners that continuously do research with the goal of further improvement at three levels: individual, community, and institution. All members of PLC learn from and with each other through collaborative work to reach a joint goal. An open issue in research on PLC is, however, to what extent an intensive collaboration with Science can be compensated by facilitation through specifically trained multiplicators. To what extent can multiplicators place the scientific content and facilitate the collaboration within a PLC? To answer these research questions, PLCs on digitalization of teaching STEM in school were founded in 2020/2021 at three Bavarian secondary schools (two Mittelschulen, one Realschule). The results of the conducted interview study suggest, that multiplicators can successfully establish PLCs. However, not all functions of scientific PLC members can be equally compensated. To fulfill the needs of the PLC, additional multiplicators with focus on STEM didactics (e. g., heads of STEM subjects from the schools themselves) may be trained to support the subject-related work on material for teaching with digital media.



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