Virtual Reality in Modern English Teaching and its Potential for Inter- and Transcultural Learning
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transcultural learning
Virtual Reality
Foreign Language Education
Higher Education

How to Cite

Steinbock, Jeanine, Rebecca Hein, Maria Eisenmann, Marc Erich Latoschik, and Carolin Wienrich. 2022. “Virtual Reality in Modern English Teaching and Its Potential for Inter- and Transcultural Learning”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 47 (AR/VR - Part 1):246-66.


Copyright (c) 2022 Jeanine Steinbock, Rebecca Hein, Maria Eisenmann, Marc Erich Latoschik, Carolin Wienrich

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Fostering inter- and transcultural competencies in modern foreign language teaching requires authentic, cross-cultural communication and collaboration. Virtual reality (VR) as a tool for participation and co-construction can offer key advantages to these learning processes, dissolving the physical boundaries of the classroom and allowing learners to engage in authentic communication activities with learners worldwide. As part of the research interest, the extent to which avatars, contexts and virtual objects can be initiators and facilitators of cultural learning processes will be explored. For the research focus on virtual objects, we developed the InteractionSuitcase, a collection of virtual objects that have different degrees of stereotyping and can be used by learners as initiators for communication. Based on this development, a university seminar concept was developed, in which students design action- and product-oriented teaching concepts integrating VR in foreign language teaching. The goal of this paper is to present the development of the VR environment and the seminar concept considering media- and cultural didactics as well as empirical considerations (1) and then to report on the results of the accompanying empirical research (2).


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