Learning Success in School Through Augmented and Virtual Reality?
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Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
quantitative Synopsis
Learning Success

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Schweiger, Moritz, Jeffrey Wimmer, Maiyra Chaudhry, Beatriz Alves Siegle, and Dianchu Xie. 2022. “Learning Success in School Through Augmented and Virtual Reality? A Quantitative Synopsis of Impact Studies on the Use of Virtual Realities in Primary and Secondary Schools”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 47 (AR/VR - Part 1):1-25. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/47/2022.04.01.X.


Copyright (c) 2022 Moritz Schweiger, Jeffrey Wimmer, Maiyra Chaudhry, Beatriz Alves Siegle, Dianchu Xie

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Although research into the pedagogical use of AR and VR in schools has increased in recent years, systematic analyses of learning success in this area are sparse. The quantitative synopsis evaluates 30 current studies from different research areas. The theoretical background of the study are the models of learning success according to Puentedura (2010) and Schlicht (2014) as well as the model of media competence according to Baacke (1996). The synopsis shows that AR and VR applications can relieve students and teachers in these difficult times – contact restrictions, home-schooling, poor school equipment – and contribute to learning success. Usage offers numerous advantages that can mitigate many of the challenges of today‘s global education system. For example, an immersive experience through VR can support memory by retaining learning longer and understanding it more deeply than without the use of VR technology. It thus allows for a multi-modal and situational learning experience that can fundamentally change the motivation of young students.



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