How do (Prospective) Teachers Deal with Pornography Use by Pupils?
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Teacher Survey

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Gigl, Julia, Rudolf Stark, and Caterina Gawrilow. 2022. “How Do (Prospective) Teachers Deal With Pornography Use by Pupils? Competences and Resources for (Prospective) Teachers in Dealing With Pornography Use by Pupils”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2022 (Occasional Papers):260-81.


Copyright (c) 2022 Julia Gigl, Rudolf Stark, Caterina Gawrilow

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Many adolescents are coming into contact with pornography at an increasingly early age due to the digital distribution of pornographic material, even though access to pornography is prohibited for minors. There is a lot of research evidence that shows that the use of pornography by young people can have negative effects. Therefore, pornography literacy becomes important. Teachers could play a supporting role in building this competence. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the attitudes of teachers on how to deal with the issue of pornography use by adolescents in schools. To this end, 118 teachers, trainee teachers and head teachers were interviewed using an online questionnaire. The results showed that the topic is not very present in everyday school life and is perceived heterogeneously. On the one hand, teachers were in favour of discussing pornography at school – but, on the other hand, did not necessarily see themselves to be responsible for holding discussions on the subject. They were open to neutral persons who could take over the preparation of the topic. In principle, teachers considered themselves rather competent to deal with the pornography consumption of students. Some criticized the lack of access to helpful resources. More than half of the respondents expressed the wish for supportive offers. Therefore, it seems to make sense to offer further education and training. In addition, educational work and low-threshold support services for teachers are desirable.


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