The Importance of Social Comparisons in the Perception of Visual Road Safety Messages by Female Influencers on Instagram
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social comparison
social media
bicycle helmet

How to Cite

Kaup, Stefanie. 2023. “The Importance of Social Comparisons in the Perception of Visual Road Safety Messages by Female Influencers on Instagram: Eyetracking and Guided Interviews With Young Women in the Framework of Bicycle Helmet Campaigns”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2023 (Occasional Papers):162-87.


Copyright (c) 2023 Stefanie Kaup

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Social comparison processes in social media contribute to the identity formation of young women. Against this background, female influencers advocating for road safety offer the potential to influence relevant opinions, attitudes and behaviours of the target group. Understanding media appropriation as an interactional process, this study investigates how 13- to 22-year-old females perceive, evaluate, and interpret visual messages promoting bicycle helmet use posted on Instagram. For this purpose, an Instagram profile was developed containing 30 different photos of a fictitious female fashion influencer. Exploratory approach eye-tracking studies were conducted with 30 women followed by retrospective interviews with half of them in order to determine the recipients’ conditions of attention allocation during image reception as well as cognitive processing. The results of the eye-tracking showed that staged images elicited a higher level of visual attention on the helmets among 20- to 22-year-old participants while more realistic images generated a higher focus on the helmets among 13- to 19-year-old participants. The perceived credibility of the female influencer was essential for image evaluation and interpretation during the interviews. Due to the identification potential, professionally produced aesthetic images of realistic situations favour social comparison processes. If respondents suspect a persuasive intention or inconsistent behaviour on the part of the influencer, they devalue the corresponding images. The empirical results provide initial practical recommendations for road safety work and show that further research is needed to explore persuasive communication in social media.


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