Digitality, Ethics and Education
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Media Ethics

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Kramer, Michaela, Svenja Bedenlier, and Rudolf Kammerl. 2023. “Digitality, Ethics and Education: A Narrative Review for Systematization of an International Field of Research”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 19 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):115-44.


Copyright (c) 2023 Michaela Kramer, Svenja Bedenlier, Rudolf Kammerl

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Ethical questions and rationales have been central to the media pedagogical discourse since its inception. As a currently pressing issue, they reveal the necessity of an ethical frame of reference to operate under the conditions of digitality. Related phenomena such as hate speech or deep fake are frequently researched nationally and internationally. Still, the adopted normative frame and the manner in which moral issues are being reflected upon remain blurred. Against the background of the fuzziness of the current discourse, the divergence of the researched phenomena, the assumed perspectives as well as the cultural heterogeneity of international contributions, we propose a heuristic systematization of the importance of ethical dimensions in media pedagogical domains. Drawing on a narrative review of the literature, we screen empirical studies in the delineated research area and subsequently place them within a developed heuristic, encompassing the three dimensions communication, social structure and agency. Resulting from this approach, we aim at deriving focal topics, implicit knowledge and exemplary lines of argumentation that constitute starting points for further research and theory building.


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