Study: The Representation of Artificial Life Forms in Computer Games
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How to Cite

Könitz, Christopher. 2022. “Study: The Representation of Artificial Life Forms in Computer Games”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education, no. Künstl. Leben im Computerspiel (February):111-310.


Copyright (c) 2022 Christopher Könitz

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


What if? Through media representations, certain technical and social problems can be represented and reflected. In this respect the study will examine which educational theoretical potentials are opened up by the representation of artificial life forms in computer games. Building on the developed comparative methodology, the study will illustrate and examine how it works. The study will deal with the question of the representation of artificial life forms in computer games in seven parts. In the first part, the concept of artificial life and its relevance in scientific-ethical terms as well as in the context of media representations and especially in the mode of science fiction will be examined. In the second part, the Mass Effect trilogy, which represents the empirical starting point for the study, will be reconstructed with regard to the game world and the story presented, using gamemaps. In the third part of the study, the mediality of the Mass Effect trilogy is examined. Here, general structural features will be elaborated, which are relevant for the coding processes and the understanding of the structural differences between the three games of the trilogy. In the fourth part, I will present and explain the category system that emerged from the open coding. Following this, these categories and properties will be connected into a representational profile of the artificial life forms in the Mass Effect trilogy. This is intended to make the object-relatedness of the categories and properties visible and to outline those essential artificial life forms that have contributed to the results of the study. In doing so, essential structural aspects of the representation of these artificial life forms will also be included. In the fifth part of the study, the essential structural phenomena in the context of the shown artificial life forms will be elaborated. These connect at the prerequisites, mechanisms and processes on the micro-level of the games. Then, in the sixth part of the study, the central structural phenomenon and the associated educational potentials will be elaborated. The seventh part of the study will summarise and discuss the results. This will be followed by an outlook on possible extensions and further developments of the study.


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