Orientations of Adolescents to Sexual Boundary Violations via Digital Media
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documentary method
group discussions
sexual violations

How to Cite

Budde, Jürgen, Christina Witz, and Maika Böhm. 2022. “Orientations of Adolescents to Sexual Boundary Violations via Digital Media”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2022 (Occasional Papers):67-95. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/00/2022.10.15.X.


Copyright (c) 2022 Jürgen Budde, Christina Witz, Maika Böhm

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Representations of sexuality, norms, values, and practices are adaptable, and are closely connected to specific historical and cultural contexts. In the process of sexual socialization and in confrontation with social sexual norms and values, a sexual identity is developed as a combination of individual attitudes, positions and structures of desire. In recent decades, the environments of adolescents have rapidly digitalised. Digital media where used to shape sexual activity and communication online. This allows further spaces for the development of a self-determined sexuality to emerge; the use of such spaces, however, brings with it multiple risks due to boundary violations. One particular phenomenon is the so-called practice of sexting: that is, the private exchange of self-produced sexual images. Almost no empirical data has been gathered on how sexting is experienced by adolescents in Germany. Additionally, very few studies have been carried out on adolescent experiences of non-consensual sexting. Based on qualitative interviews the study aims to contribute to a more nuanced discourse on both sexting and gendered readings of sexting. Further, the study describes how adolescents position themselves in the field of tension between spaces for possibility and spaces for sexual boundary violation. A special focus will be placed on the reconstruction of orientations towards normalities and gender. This paper sets out by reviewing recent research on sexual communication and boundary violations via digital media. By means of documentary analysis of group discussions, insights into the orientations of pupils are given. Three relational types can be differentiated: «experimenters», «reflexive-criticals», and «disapprovers», which are presented in the conclusion in relation to constructions of normality and gender dimensions.



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