Not a ‹Common› Review
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Young Researchers

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Bolten-Bühler, Ricarda, and Angelika Thielsch. 2022. “Not a ‹Common› Review: Shepherding Processes As Means to Foster Academic Socialisation”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 48 (Digitalisierung als Katalysator):191-212.


Copyright (c) 2022 Ricarda Bolten-Bühler, Angelika Thielsch

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


It is a challenging process to become an academic and this is equally true for emerging researchers as it is for new members of the so-called third space in higher education. In the German-speaking context, this group of early career people that work in the field of media and education can find support during their first years in academia by participating in a special conference called the JFMH, which seeks to introduce them to possible networks and supports their first publishing experiences with a special form of review: the shepherding process. This article presents an interview study in which shepherding mentors are asked about their experiences with the JFMH shepherding process. The analysed data help to portray the elements of meaningful shepherding processes and to highlight ways to improve its organisation. Thereby, they make tangible what this variant of a scientific review offers: a way to foster academic socialization.


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