Making The History Of Photography Tangible - A Model Of Transmedial Mediation
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How to Cite

Gnägi, Mandy. 2013. “Making The History Of Photography Tangible - A Model Of Transmedial Mediation”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 23 (Visuelle Kompetenz):1-17.


Copyright (c) 2013 Mandy Gnägi

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


With the model of transmedial mediation, a teaching concept is presented that is based on several semesters of experience at various universities of applied sciences in Switzerland. Using the methodological and pedagogical expertise of the lecturers on the one hand and the different competences of the students on the other, the model leads out of the supposed chaos of today's flood of images and, together with the students, creates an orderly overview for teaching the history of photography. The model makes use of new media, with which the students, most of whom are "digital natives", transfer lesson-specific content to internal and external blogs, image and film databases, discussion forums, etc., as well as explicitly linking this to work on a timeline. The students attach printed images and keywords noted on notepads to the history and theory of photography as well as general cultural history to this in regular, discursively and reflexively structured teaching units. Through this transmedial approach, students are teachers and learners in equal measure and, on this basis, develop their visual competence, make connections and relationships visible and make the history of photography tangible.