Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Learning Environment for Higher Education
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Virtual Reality
between group design
higher education
learning environment
material sciences
visual computing
Information, communication and media technology
instructional psychology

How to Cite

Müser, Sinja, Jens Maiero, Christian Dominic Fehling, David Gilbert, Sevinc Eroglu, Daniel Bachmann, Sebastian Wiederspohn, and Jörg Meyer. 2023. “Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Learning Environment for Higher Education”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 51 (AR/VR - Part 2):345-72.


Copyright (c) 2023 Sinja Müser, Jens Maiero, Christian Dominic Fehling, David Gilbert, Sevinc Eroglu, Daniel Bachmann, Sebastian Wiederspohn, Jörg Meyer

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Interest in Virtual Reality (VR) for higher education is currently increasing due to the feasibility of logistically difficult tasks in combination with positive results from effectiveness studies. At the same time, however, there is a lack of studies comparing immersive VR environments with non-immersive desktop environments and conventional learning materials, and evaluating aspects of teaching and learning. Therefore, this paper deals with the design and realization of a learning environment for higher education that can be used via Head Mounted Display (HMD) as well as via desktop, and its evaluation using a between group design. The learning environment was created on the basis of a self-developed software platform and its effectiveness was evaluated and compared with the data of two experimental groups – VR vs. desktop environment – and a control group. In a pilot study, both qualitatively and quantitatively positive assessments of the usability of the learning environment were found by both experimental groups. Furthermore, positive effects on the cognitive and affective impact of the learning environment were found in comparison to conventional learning material. Differences between the use as VR or desktop environment on a cognitive and affective level are only slight. The analysis of log data, however, suggests differences in learning and exploration behavior.


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