Bildbild - Visual Competence In The Classroom
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How to Cite

Grube, Norbert, Thomas Hermann, Sarah M. Schlachetzki, and Kurt Caviezel. 2013. “Bildbild - Visual Competence In The Classroom”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 23 (Visuelle Kompetenz):1-15.


Copyright (c) 2013 Norbert Grube, Thomas Hermann, Sarah M. Schlachetzki, Kurt Caviezel

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This article introduces the website project bildbild. The website is based on the motivation to sensitise pupils to think about global issues. Such reflection is always also about reality conveyed through images. In the face of the "flood of images" that is commonplace, bildbild aims to develop a didactic medium that provides a pool of historical and current photographs and processes them in such a way that they do not disappear behind their illustrative function. In this way, the images are to be made usable for independent learning on the way to visual competence. The article examines the development of the website against the background of cultural-critical attitudes towards the image since the modern age as well as within the framework of what has been discussed and promoted as visual literacy in the educational context since the 1970s. It also looks at the medial potential of a website for young people's visual literacy.