Comparative Evaluation of Exploration Modes in Interactive 3D-360°-Applications
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Virtual reality
exploratory learning
gaze control

How to Cite

Funk, Johannes, and Ludger Schmidt. 2023. “Comparative Evaluation of Exploration Modes in Interactive 3D-360°-Applications: Using Exploratory Learning to Prepare Craftsmen for On-Site Customer Appointments”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 51 (AR/VR - Part 2):289-313.


Copyright (c) 2023 Johannes Funk, Ludger Schmidt

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This study compares three types of exploratory learning with interactive 3D 360° applications. Simulated on-site appointments of craftsmen at the customer‘s site are used as scenarios for the application. In the «Painter», «Electrician» and «Plumber» craft scenarios, common craft work tasks are to be performed in preparation for real on-site appointments using different exploration types. In Type A, work tasks are performed by a skilled person on video and observed by the user. In Type B, work task relevant locations in the shown environment are marked by «!» symbols. In Type C, no markers are used and relevant locations must be discovered by the user. The study with 30 participants in within-subject design tests, among other things, the hypotheses whether the exploration type affects the usability (SUS), the user experience (UEQ) and the assumed role of the user (active/passive). A comparably high usability is present for all exploration types. The user experience is significantly higher in both Type B and Type C than in Type A. In Type C, the user‘s own role is assessed to be more active than in Types A and B. The user‘s own role is assessed as more active in Type C than in Type A. Type B is again more active than Type A. The better user experience and the more active role of the user, while maintaining a high usability, make Exploration Types B (marked areas) and C (unmarked surrounding) interesting for knowledge transfer of practical content.


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