Between Sensitivity and Precision
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Systematic Review
Sensitivity and Precision
Artificial Intelligence
Institutional Teaching and Learning

How to Cite

Köstler, Verena. 2023. “Between Sensitivity and Precision: A Systematic Literature Search Illustrated by a Research Question on Artificial Intelligence in Education”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 54 (Research Syntheses):1-27.


Copyright (c) 2023 Verena Köstler

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In addition to questions of digitally enhanced teaching and learning, research has recently become more focused on AI-related questions. Internationally known as artificial intelligence in education (AIED) the topic is largely worked on by technical disciplines while educational disciplines are mostly underrepresented (e.g. for higher education: Zawacki-Richter et al. 2019). A systematic literature research is presented as a contribution to strengthen educational perspectives and as an example referring to a research synthesis with the objective of providing a systematic overview of current developments in AI-based teaching and learning in the context of institutional education. The development of the search strategy was characterized throughout by considerations in balancing precision and sensitivity (vgl. u. a. Campbell et al. 2018). These are described by the processes of selecting databases, creating concept groups and search strings, and specifying inclusion criteria. Precision and sensitivity are calculated for the final body of 51 studies. It is argued that reporting characteristic values on sensitivity and precision in processing interdisciplinary questions, as they are frequently encountered in educational technology, can contribute to the development of methodological quality of future research syntheses.


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