Effects of an Augmented Reality Escape Game on Learning about Fake News
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fake news
fake news education
augmented reality
escape game
escape room game
media literacy

How to Cite

Buchner, Josef. 2023. “Effects of an Augmented Reality Escape Game on Learning about Fake News”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 51 (AR/VR - Part 2):65-86. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/51/2023.01.12.X.


Copyright (c) 2023 Josef Buchner

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The spread of fake news on the Internet and in social networks is increasingly damaging societies, for example by undermining trust in democratic structures and institutions. Recognizing fake news is difficult because online information is trusted more than traditional media and the design of fake news is emotional and made to be trustworthy. To address this problem, authentic and innovative learning environments are needed that both deliver knowledge about the characteristics of fake news and promote a more critical attitude toward online information. In previous research, (digital) games have shown to be promising for this purpose. In this study, we investigate whether an augmented reality-based escape game can also address learning goals that are relevant for fake news education. To answer this question, a pretest-posttest field study was conducted with 27 students. As the results show, the Escape Fake game studied can provide knowledge about fake news; promotes the ability to distinguish true and false information; contributes to a more critical attitude toward the trustworthiness of online information; and increases confidence in being able to recognize fake news in the future. Based on these findings, we recommend using the game as an educational resource in fake news education. However, more research is necessary to better understand the effects and to improve the effectiveness of the game.



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